Tuesday, 19 October 2010

No wifi, no cars, breakfast with the wildlife and then back on the networking scene...

It's Tuesday, I'm feeling very refreshed after a long weekend away with my boys, waking up to find ducks, squirrels and Monk Jack on the patio this weekend in Suffolk, was pure bliss, no cars, no phones, no laptops, just me, my boys and nature. After a stressful summer involving, not one but two cancelled holidays to Spain we decided to play it safe and headed for Elvedon Forest.  It was our first time at such a place and we were a little apprehensive, we needn't have been. Center Parks catered for everything we needed, including Starbucks! It was perfect.

It all had to end of course, but I appreciated the experience and would do it again. 

Still it's time for work now and time to get the business going forward again, after a somewhat difficult summer, my Son admitted to hospital twice and myself in a car accident involving my car being written off.

This morning, with memories of the weekend and a warm feeling of serenity (despite getting up at 4am with a hungry child), I decided it was time for a new start and a fresh approach to growing my business.

So, today after sometime away from my networking activities, I went along to the launch meeting of the new Bishop Stortford NETLINKED group.  The group is run by a lovely gentleman, Ian Hudson of Copyzone. The Founder, Steve Windsor was also at the meeting today, giving an insight into what the group is all about and what makes it different.  I loved the meeting, its concept and of course I have become a member.

I admit that I did know a number of the people there but it was nice to re-acquaint with these people.  I didn't stop networking by choice, it was more to do with personal family responsibilities (I won't bore you with the details), but now that's all under control I'm glad I am back on the circuit again.

The meeting reminded me how valuable networking is, both offline and online (when done correctly and of course, respectfully).  Some people I come across, day to day, have no faith in networking but I certainly do. WHY?  When I started my business nearly two years ago, I gained clients from attending such meetings and building relationships, these relationships were nurtured and evolved into referrals, friendships and some new business opportunities, I guess it's about choosing the right networking medium for you and your business and working hard at it.  Like any relationship. 

Back to Netlinked then.  Aside from meeting with a great bunch of like minded business people once a fortnight, the membership also gives you ongoing access to training on the use of LinkedIn.  How to use it properly and get the most from this amazing online networking site. You will connect with more people online than would be humanely possible face to face and will meet people you would otherwise have no access to. For me it was a no-brainer to join. Added value! that's what I like.

I'm not connected to Netlinked Management in any way, I just like to give credit when it's due to things I like.

If you have any suggestions on other great networking ideas, let me know.


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