Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Getting the balance right

Today I'm back at work after a lovely long weekend with my boys.  I had my new whizzy phone close by but challenged myself not to do too many "worky" type tasks.  Instead I was too busy playing with the phone and downloading lots of cool apps from the Andriod Market Place.  I have a new Sony Ericsson X10i! It's impressive, I'm so glad I didn't buy an iphone now.

This weekend was about relaxing with my family and spending time with them doing things we enjoy and not being stressed.

We had a lovely weekend (aside from my Son being poorly) visiting the Zoo, seeing parents and friends and today I feel motivated and ready for work again after a nice rest.

I only managed this because last week, I set myself some goals and worked hard to get through my workload!... So, what's my point I hear you asking?   My point is, to get the balance right you have to plan, and you have to stick to that plan.  If you want to have a free weekend then make sure you are ultra productive in the run up to that weekend and finish everything you need to finish in order to clear your mind and relax.

This week I'm planning again as it's a four day week and next week I'm off to Venice so I'm only working 2 days! Yipee..... I love the freedom being self employed gives me....

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